Saturday, July 26, 2008

My brother johnathan

My brother turned 8 this year and had alot of fun . I hope all of his dreams come true.

The priness and evil stepmother

once apon a time there was this priness and her name was Emily. There was also a evil stepmother named melissa. on the day of the prinesses birthday there was a ball the same night, and she was invited but she had to spend time with her family. But the evil stepmother would not let her go spend time her family. So she locked her in a closet but the priness execped the stepmother and spent time with her family and made it to the ball too.

The end

My brother Benjamin

I have a brother named Benjamin. He is so sweet. But he can be a handful.
He is two years old now. He is doing better now that he has learned a few things.He can be annoying in all soarts of different ways.
But I Still Love Him!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

My Friend Carlee

Today I'm playing with my friend Carlee. It has been a pain to get her to play. But I don't care because we are playing now. She is very nice.

The End

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Symphony

Today I went to the symphony with my school. It was very fun! We even got to play in it. (We played a kazoo). I wish I could have stayed!!!!!

The End!!!!!


Grandma's can be sweet but they can also be annoying. But you still love them. That is to everyone.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The Truth

Once there was a boy who would never tell the truth his name was Johnathan. He would not tell the truth to his mom. He didn't have any friends. One day he realized he did not have any friends because he did not tell the truth.

The End!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My Brother Jonhathan

My brother Johnathan can be annoying but sometimes he is very playful. He plays with me a lot and when I have nobody to play with he offers to play with me sometimes. Sometimes I am not done with my homework and he is done and has no one to play with ,I can not play with him until I am done

My Daddy

My daddy loves me just like my granny. I love him too. What does he let me do? Well he lets me do alot of stuff, like he lets me play with my friends and my cousin Carlee too. He even lets me spend the night with him every other weekend.

The End!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

My Granny

I love my granny. You should to. My granny loves me. Even when a boy or a girl bother there grandma' s they still love you.